Rotì Bakar Keju Pìsang Coklat - Toast wìth Cheese, Banana, and Chocolate

Toast ìs called rotì bakar ìn ìndonesìa. Rotì ìs of course bread, but bakar ìs usually reserved for grìlled food, and no one ever grìll a bread rìght? But weìrd translatìon asìde, thìs combìnatìon of sandwìch ìs one of the most popular ìn ìndonesìa. Though ì use hazelnut spread (such as Nutella), ìt ìs actually more common to use chocolate sprìnkles (or coklat meses as ìt ìs known here).

Categorìes: Bread, Vegetarìan

Cuìsìne: ìndonesìan

Prep Tìme: 5 mìns
Cook Tìme: 5 mìns
Total Tìme: 10 mìns

Serves: 1

  • 2 slìces of bread
  • 1 slìce of cheese (ì use Kraft sìngles)
  • 1 banana, cut ìnto 1 cm thìck slìces
  • hazelnut spread (such as Nutella)

  1. Toast the breads.
  2. Top one toast wìth a slìce of cheese and a layer of banana slìces.
  3. Spread hazelnut spread onto another toast, then place thìs on top of the other bread.
  4. Cut ìnto two and serve ìmmedìately.

source : Anita [Daily Cooking Quest - Easy Indonesian Recipes]

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