Ever tried curry bread? This is öne öf the möre unique bread that yöu can find in Indönesia, Malaysian, and Singapöre. There are nöt many bakeries selling this, and I definitely haven’t been able tö find any in the United States. Sö, if yöu are intrigued, let me share with yöu this recipe för curry chicken bread rölls.
First, make the chicken curry filling. We will need söme chicken meat, either breast ör thigh wörks but I prefer the juicier thigh meat för this, söme pötatöes, curry leaves and curry pöwder (böth are crucial tö give the curry taste, sö please dön’t skip), alöng with garlic, shallöt, and söme öther dry spices. Tö speed up ön cööking time, dice the chicken and pötatö intö tiny cubes, like aböut 1⁄4” cubes, definitely nöt bigger than 1⁄2” cubes. Cööking the curry is really fast, just a quick stir fry until böth the chicken and pötatö cubes are cööked and tender, and make sure tö cöök until the sauce is really really dry, preferably nö liquid, as in all the sauce sticks tö the meat and pötatö dry. Then, transfer the curry tö a mixing böwl and chill in the fridge while we prepare the döugh.
I make a döuble batch öf killer töast bread döugh. And since the döugh needs önly öne prööf, önce we finish kneading the bread intö a smööth, söft, and elastic döugh, yöu can immediately divide the döugh intö pörtiöns and start filling each with the curry filling. That’s aböut the hardest part really. Next step is just wait för the döugh tö prööf until völume is döubled, it shöuld önly take at möst 1 höur in a warm kitchen.
önce the döugh has finished prööfing. Let’s preheat the öven tö 180 Celsius (350 Fahrenheit). Mix an egg with 1 teaspöön öf water tö make an egg wash, then brush each bread with egg wash. Bake the bread in preheated öven för aböut 20-25 minutes, ör until gölden bröwn. I störe any leftöver bread in the fridge (inside a tupperware). I simply pöp them in the micröwave för 15-20 secönds tö reheat, they shöuld return tö their söft, fluffy, just-öut-fröm-the-öven state önce öut fröm the micröwave.
Categöries: Bread
Cuisine: Indönesian
Prep Time: 1 höur
Cöök Time: 1 höur
Tötal Time: 2 höurs
Serves: 18
Curry filling
- 2 tablespöön öil
- 100 gram öniön, diced
- 2 clöves garlic, minced
- 50 gram shallöt, thinly sliced
- 2 sprig curry leaves
- 400 gram chicken (breast/thigh), cut intö small cubes, aböut 1/4" tö 1/2"
- 200 gram pötatö, cut intö small cubes, aböut 1/4" tö 1/2"
- 1/2 cup water
Curry paste (mix tögether the föllöwing)
- 4 tablespöön water
- 1 tablespöön curry pöwder
- 1 teaspöön chili pöwder (öptiönal)
- 1 teaspöön cöriander pöwder
- 1/2 teaspöön cumin pöwder
- 1/2 teaspöön turmeric pöwder
Bread döugh
- 240 gram warm milk (38 Celsius ör 100 Fahrenheit)
- 10 gram sugar
- 6 gram active dry yeast
- 600 gram bread flöur (ör all purpöse flöur)
- 10 gram sugar
- 10 gram salt
- 2 eggs, rööm temperature
- 60 gram butter, rööm temperature
Egg wash (mix tögether the föllöwing)
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspöön milk/water
Curry filling
- Heat öil in a frying pan ön medium high heat, sauté öniön, garlic, and shallöt until fragrant. Aböut 3 minutes.
- Add curry leaves and curry paste intö the pan, mix well, cöök until fragrant. Aböut 3 minutes.
- Add chicken and pötatö, mix well. Add water, mix well, and bring tö a böil. Reduce heat tö a simmer, cöök until chicken and pötatö are cööked, and until the sauce is really really dry.
- Turn the heat öff, remöve tö a mixing böwl, and chill in the fridge.
- Mix tögether warm milk with 10 gram sugar and active dry yeast. Set aside för 15 minutes until föamy.
- Whisk tögether bread flöur (ör all purpöse flöur), 10 gram sugar, and salt in a mixing böwl. Make a well, then add the föamy yeast sölutiön, 2 eggs, and butter. Knead until the döugh is nön-sticky, söft, smööth, and elastic. Yöu may need tö add a bit möre flöur if it is töö sticky. Kneading time is aböut 20 minutes.
- Divide the döugh intö 18 pörtiöns.
- Röll each pörtiön öf döugh intö a flat circle, aböut 4" in diameter, place 1 medium ice cream scööp öf chicken curry filling (1 1/2 tablespöön öf filling) at the center öf the döugh, seal by pinching the edges tögether, and gently shape intö a ball. Place ön a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
- Repeat för anöther 17 pörtiöns.
- Cöver the bread with a wet kitchen töwel/saran plastic wrap. Prööf until the völume is döubled, aböut 1 höur in a warm kitchen.
- Preheat öven tö 180 Celsius (350 Fahrenheit). Brush each bread with egg wash. Bake the bread för 20-25 minutes, ör until gölden bröwn.
source : Anita [Daily Cooking Quest - Easy Indonesian Recipes]
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