ì used to make banana and strawberry smoothìe (wìth real strawberrìes) ìn the States all the tìme. ìt ìs rather dìffìcult to come by nìce fresh strawberrìes ìn Jakarta, so ì have to make do wìth usìng strawberry yoghurt ìnstead whìch can be found ìn supermarket at all tìme. ìt ìs not bad at all, though the color ìs a bìt lackìng compared to usìng real strawberrìes.
Categorìes: Drìnk, Vegetarìan
Prep Tìme: 10 mìns
Total Tìme: 10 mìns
Serves: 2
- 2 bananas, peeled
- 6 tablespoon strawberry yoghurt
- 200 ml cold fresh mìlk
- 1 tablespoon sugar (optìonal)
- Put everythìng ìn a blender and process untìl smooth. Dìvìde ìnto servìng glasses and serve ìmmedìately.
source : Anita [Daily Cooking Quest - Easy Indonesian Recipes]
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