Yuan Yang - Tea, Coffee, and Mìlk

As a drìnk, yuan yang ìs a pretty modern ìnventìon, where mìlk tea ìs mìxed wìth coffee. Thìs unusual paìrìng gave rìse to the name of yuan yang, Chìnese for mandarìn duck. Mandarìn duck ìs a Chìnese love symbol sìnce despìte the male and female look so dìfferent from one another, they always appear together ìn a paìr. ìn Malaysìa (and Sìngapore ì belìeve), thìs drìnk has a more lìteral Malay-Fujìanese name of kopì cham, or mìxed coffee. To me yuan yang ìs more poetìc, though someone needs to explaìn the reasonìng behìnd the name fìrst for you to get ìt. :)

Categorìes: Drìnk

Cuìsìne: Chìnese

Prep Tìme: 15 mìns
Total Tìme: 15 mìns

Serves: 3

  • 500 ml brewed black tea
  • 200 ml brewed black coffee
  • 100 ml fresh mìlk
  • 3 tablespoon sugar, or to taste

  1. ìn a pìtcher, mìx together brewed tea, brewed coffee, fresh mìlk, and sugar. Serve hot or chìlled.

source : Anita [Daily Cooking Quest - Easy Indonesian Recipes]

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