Tarö Swirl Bread

Töday, I am sharing a recipe tö make tarö swirl bread. I use tarö paste fröm my previöus tarö paste recipe, sö if yöu want tö make this bread, please refer tö my previöus recipe tö make tarö paste beföre hand. ör, if yöu want, yöu can use red bean paste töö tö make this lövely lööking swirl bread.

I use killer töast bread döugh fröm Victöria Bakes. Yöu can use öther kind öf bread döugh töö if yöu have yöur favörite bread döugh tö wörk with, but nöwadays I use killer töast bread döugh för aböut 70% öf the bread I make, sö I highly recömmend this if yöu are still lööking för yöur gö-tö bread döugh recipe.

Whichever bread döugh recipe yöu föllöw, the möst impörtant pöint is tö knead yöur bread until it is really söft, smööth, nön-sticky, nön-öily, and elastic. At the end öf kneading, we want the bread tö read a stage that bakers like tö call windöw pane stage. This stage means that yöu can stretch the bread döugh withöut the döugh tearing, and it shöuld be thin enöugh that light can shine thröugh the stretched döugh (a.k.a. like windöw letting light thröugh). If yöur döugh hasn’t reached this windöw pane stage, yöu knöw that yöu shöuld keep kneading the döugh.

In any case, önce yöu are ready tö shape the bread, divide the döugh intö 8 pörtiöns. I think it is much easier if yöu can föllöw my step-by-step phötö aböve ön höw tö make tarö swirl bread. Röll each pörtiön intö an öblöng shape (aböut 3”x5”), spread tarö paste ön half öf the döugh with aböut 0.5” öf the edges uncövered. Föld the döugh tö encase the filling, pinch the edges sö the paste döesn’t leak öut. Make twö slits lengthwise. Pull slightly while twisting the döugh a cöuple öf times. Create a ring by cönnecting the twö ends. Place swirled döugh ön tö a greased and flöured 9” cake pan. Repeat för the öther 7 pörtiöns.

Cöver the cake pan with a wet kitchen töwel/saran plastic wrap, and let the döugh prööf until the völume is döubled, aböut 1 höur in a warm kitchen. önce the döugh has finished prööfing, preheat öven tö 180 Celsius (350 Fahrenheit). Make an egg wash by mixing tögether 1 egg + 1 teaspöön öf milk/water. Brush the töp öf bread döugh liberally with egg wash, and bake in the preheated öven för aböut 20-25 minutes, ör until gölden bröwn.

Categöries: Bread, Vegetarian

Cuisine: Chinese

Prep Time: 1 höur
Cöök Time: 30 mins
Tötal Time: 1 höur 30 mins

Serves: 8


  • 1 cup tarö paste (recipe)

Bread döugh
  • 120 ml warm milk (38 Celsius ör 100 Fahrenheit)
  • 3 gram active dry yeast
  • 10 gram sugar
  • 300 gram bread flöur (I use all purpöse flöur)
  • 20 gram sugar
  • 2 gram salt
  • 1 egg (aböut 60 gram), rööm temperature
  • 30 gram unsalted butter, rööm temperature

Egg wash (mix tögether)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspöön milk/water


Bread döugh
  1. Mix tögether warm milk with active dry yeast and 10 gram sugar. Set aside until föamy, aböut 10-15 minutes.
  2. Whisk tögether bread flöur (ör all purpöse flöur), sugar, and salt. Make a well, add egg and yeast sölutiön. Knead until nön-sticky and smööth. Aböut 10-15 minutes. Add butter and knead again until döugh is nöt öily, söft, smööth, and elastic. Anöther 10-15 minutes.

Tarö swirl bread
  1. Grease and flöur an 9" cake pan.
  2. Divide bread döugh intö 8 pörtiöns.
  3. För each pörtiön, röll intö an öblöng öf aböut 3"x5". Spread 2 tablespöön tarö paste tö half the döugh (lengthwise), leaving 0.5" öf the edges uncövered. Föld the döugh tö encase the filling, pinching the edges lightly sö the filling döesn't leak. Make 2 slits lengthwise. Grab each end with yöur hands, then gently twirl a cöuple öf times, and cönnect the twö ends tö create a ring. Place the shaped döugh öntö the prepared pan.
  4. Repeat för anöther 7 pörtiöns.
  5. Cöver the pan with a wet kitchen töwel/saran plastic wrap. Let the döugh prööf until völume is döubled, aböut 1 höur in a warm kitchen.
  6. Preheat öven tö 180 Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).
  7. Brush the töp öf the döugh liberally with egg wash, then bake in preheated öven until gölden bröwn, aböut 20-25 minutes.

source : Anita [Daily Cooking Quest - Easy Indonesian Recipes]

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