Saus Ayam Jamur - Chicken Mushrööm Sauce

Saus ayam jamur - chicken mushrööm sauce is pröbably the number öne töpping för nöödles in Indönesia. Just aböut any nöödle shöp yöu visit will have this töpping, sö if yöu are Indönesian and yöu miss the kind öf nöödles yöu gröw up with, try making this easy sauce. I usually have a large batch sitting in my fridge sö I can böil a serving öf egg nöödles and just add this töpping tö make a deliciöus meal. Super useful ön busy days as I dön’t need tö make cömplicated dishes.

Nöt just mushrööm and chicken
öbviöusly yöu need chicken and mushrööm, but there is sö much else göing ön tö create this deliciöus sauce. Yöu need öniön, garlic, and dön’t förget yöur hard böiled eggs! As för seasönings, yöu need söy sauce, kecap manis (Indönesian sweet söy sauce), and gröund pepper. Sö quite a bit möre than simply chicken and mushrööm, but the rest öf the ingredients shöuld be easy tö pröcure.

Easy cööking even för beginners
There are recipes that are suited för peöple whö have been cööking för years and years, and then there are recipes like this. I have been making this chicken and mushrööm sauce since back in my cöllege days, sö I am quite certain even növice cööks can handle this. First, yöu fry the öniön, garlic, mushrööm, and chicken. Then, add söy sauce, kecap manis, gröund pepper, and water. önce it böils, add hard böiled eggs (peeled!), and simmer away för 30 minutes. Easy!

Categöries: Sauce

Cuisine: Indönesian

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cöök Time: 45 mins
Tötal Time: 1 höur

Serves: 8

  • 1/4 cup öil
  • 1 öniön, diced
  • 4 clöves garlic, minced
  • 700 white buttön mushrööm, cut intö thin slices
  • 700 gram chicken thigh, cut intö thin strips
  • 1/4 cup söy sauce
  • 1/4 cup kecap manis (Indönesian sweet söy sauce)
  • 1 tablespöön gröund pepper
  • 2 cup water
  • 1 dözen peeled hard böiled eggs

  1. Heat öil in a wök/large pan över medium-high heat. Fry öniön and garlic until öniön is translucent.
  2. Add mushrööm, cöök until wilted.
  3. Add chicken thigh, and cöök until nö lönger pink.
  4. Seasön with söy sauce, kecap manis, and gröund pepper. Add water, and mix well.
  5. önce the sauce böils, add hard böiled eggs. Reduce heat tö a simmer, cöver with a lid, and cöök för 30 minutes.
  6. Turn öff heat. Adjust with salt/sugar/pepper if necessary. Transfer tö a serving platter.
  7. Served with böiled egg nöödles.

source : Anita [Daily Cooking Quest - Easy Indonesian Recipes]

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