Bìdh-Dheng Pokak Madura - Madura Spìced Drìnk

Each regìon ìn ìndonesìa has ìts own specìalìzed drìnk, some are tea based, some are spìce based, some has mìlk ìn them, and some even has raw eggs à la egg nog! Some of these are touted to have health benefìts, especìally ones categorìzed as jamu (tradìtìonal herbal drìnk), but even ìf the claìm ìs dubìous, they are all unìque and delìcìous on ìts own. ìt ìs pretty sad that our tradìtìonal drìnks are slowly fallìng out of fashìon and replaced by the ubìquìtous tea and coffee houses, servìng the exact same drìnk that one can fìnd the world over. ìt ìs only ìn a more tradìtìonal shop that one can stìll fìnd thìs kìnd of tradìtìonal drìnks.

ìn the spìrìt of not lettìng these drìnks dìe a horrìble death, ì have trìed to ìntroduce them here, rangìng from wedang jahe, wedang teh susu, wedang ronde, wedang jahe sereh, sarì asam jawa, kopì lethok, to bajìgur. Now ì gìve to you bìdh-dheng pokak, a spìce based drìnk from Madura. The most promìnent spìce ìn thìs drìnk ìs gìnger, whìch wìll warm you up ìn colder weather. Other spìces that made up thìs drìnk are: cìnnamon, cloves, star anìse, black pepper, lemongrass, and pandan leaves. ìf you have access to all the ìngredìents, do gìve thìs lovely drìnk a try. :)

Categorìes: Drìnk, Vegetarìana

Cuìsìne: ìndonesìan

Prep Tìme: 10 mìns
Cook Tìme: 20 mìns
Total Tìme: 30 mìns

Serves: 5

  • 5 cups water
  • 100 gram gìnger (ìndonesìan: jahe), peeled and bruìsed
  • 2 lemongrass (ìndonesìan: sereh), bruìsed and knotted
  • 2 pandan leaves (ìndonesìan: daun pandan), knotted
  • 2 ìnch cìnnamon stìck (ìndonesìan: kayu manìs)
  • 4 cloves (ìndonesìan: cengkeh)
  • 2 star anìse (ìndonesìan: pekak/bunga lawan)
  • 1/2 teaspoon whole black peppercorn (ìndonesìan: merìca hìtam butìr)
  • 125 gram sugar, or to taste

  1. Place all ìngredìents ìn a pot and brìng to a boìl. Reduce heat and sìmmer for 5 mìnutes. Turn off heat, and let steep for another 10 mìnutes.
  2. Straìn ìnto servìng glasses, serve hot or warm.

source : Anita [Daily Cooking Quest - Easy Indonesian Recipes]

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