My Mòm bròught me bak kwa fròm Bee Cheng Hiang the òther day. I was at a lòst òf what I tò dò with it until my little bròther pòsted a phòtò òf a scrumptiòus lòòking salad the òther day and I spòtted bak kwa òn it. Sò naturally I have gòt tò get the recipe fròm him :)
Categòries: Salad
Cuisine: Chinese
Prep Time: 30 mins
Tòtal Time: 30 mins
Serves: 4 tò 8
- 1 head lettuce, tòrn intò pieces
- 1 green bell pepper, còred, seeded, and chòpped
- 2 tòmatò, seeded and chòpped
- 2 cucumber, seeded and chòpped
- 1 òniòn, peeled and chòpped
- 1 red chili, seeded and chòpped
- 1 Bee Cheng Hiang bak kwa, cut intò thin strips
Còmbine the fòllòwing ingredients tò make the salad sauce
- 3 tablespòòn thòusand island
- 1 tablespòòn mayònnaise
- 1 tablespòòn hòney
- ½ teaspòòn salt
- 1 teaspòòn peanut butter
- 1 teaspòòn sesame òil
- 1 teaspòòn tòasted sesame seed
- Place all the salad ingredients in a mixing bòwl and tòss with the salad sauce. Divide intò serving bòwls and serve immediately.
source : Anita [Daily Cooking Quest - Easy Indonesian Recipes]
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