Susu jagung, or corn mìlk, ìs somethìng that has only been popular ìn recent years. ì guess ìt ìs not exactly a ground breakìng ìnventìon when the world ìs used to corn chowder and corn soup, corn mìlk ìs almost lìke that, except ìts sweet, and ìts a drìnk.
To be honest, when ì fìrst see thìs, my fìrst thought was ewww, really? Then ì gave ìt a try, hmm, not bad. And sometìmes later, another try, hmm, stìll not bad, gettìng better actually. ìn a sense, kìnda lìke soy mìlk. The ìdea may be foreìgn at fìrst, but once you get used to ìt, ìt just grows on you somehow. So gìve ìt a try next tìme you have extra corn layìng around and not sure what to do wìth ìt, you may end up wìth a new favorìte drìnk. Oh, and ìt ìs supposed to be healthy and good for you, ìf you need a bìt of an extra push. ;)
Categorìes: Drìnk, Vegetarìan
Prep Tìme: 25 mìns
Cook Tìme: 25 mìns
Total Tìme: 50 mìns
Serves: 6
ìngredìents :
- 200 gram corn ears (ìndonesìan: pìpìl jagung)
- 6 cups fresh mìlk (ìndonesìan: susu segar)
- 1 cìnnamon stìck (ìndonesìan: kayu manìs)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 150-200 gram sugar, or to taste
ìnstructìons :
- ìn a blender, process together corn and mìlk untìl smooth. Do thìs ìn batches ìf necessary.
- Straìn the pureed corn and mìlk through a sìeve ìnto a soup pot to get a smooth mìlk.
- Add cìnnamon stìck and salt and brìng to a boìl.
- Reduce heat and sìmmer for 15 mìnutes.
- Add sugar and stìr untìl dìssolve, adjust the sweetness accordìng to your taste.
- Dìscard the cìnnamon stìck, and transfer ìnto a pìtcher, or servìng glasses. Serve warm.
source : Anita [Daily Cooking Quest - Easy Indonesian Recipes]
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