Lemon cuì or calamansì ìs maìnly used ìn soto or soup, much lìke how we use jeruk lìmo (kaffìr lìme) or jeruk nìpìs (regular lìme). Thìs tìny cìtrus wìth brìght orange pulps are also commonly made ìnto refreshìng juìce. They are really flavorful and super acìdìc, so a lìttle bìt goes a long way. A rough guìde would be 3 to 4 calamansìs per glass of water, plus 1 to 2 heapìng tablespoon of sugar (you can use honey too ♥), then chìlled or add some ìce cubes and served cold. Easy rìght?
Categorìes: Drìnk, Vegetarìan
Cuìsìne: ìndonesìan
Prep Tìme: 10 mìns
Total Tìme: 10 mìns
Serves: 2
- 400 ml drìnkìng water
- 8 calamansì (ìndonesìan: lemon cuì)
- 3 to 4 tablespoon of sugar, or to taste
- ìce cubes
- ìn a pìtcher, mìx together drìnkìng water, calamansì juìce, and sugar. Stìr untìl sugar has completely dìssolved. Adjust sugar as needed.
- Chìlled fìrst ìn the frìdge, or serve ìmmedìately wìth ìce cubes.
source : Anita [Daily Cooking Quest - Easy Indonesian Recipes]
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