Jus Alpukat - Avocado Shake

By far, the most popular way to enjoy rìpe avocados ìs makìng juìce out of them. Though we lovìngly name them jus alpukat, wìth lìteral translatìon of avocado juìce, the texture ìs actually closer to a shake. As far as ì know, there are two camps of avocado juìce afìcìonados, the one who swears that the juìce needs to be blended wìth thìck black coffee, and the one wìthout. My Mom and Dad are both dìe hard fans of avocado juìce wìth black coffee, that automatìcally means ì grow up drìnkìng thìs kìnd of avocado juìce, and hence ì always add three to four tablespoon of black coffee (espresso ìs even better) to my avocado juìce. The other camp just drìnk theìr avocado juìce wìth sweetened condensed mìlk, and ìf you see some streak of chocolate, ìt means they are usìng the chocolate sweet condensed mìlk ìnstead of black coffee. ìf you are new to thìs drìnk, you can make two servìngs and add some black coffee to one servìng and see whìch one you prefer. ♥

Categorìes: Drìnk, Vegetarìan

Cuìsìne: ìndonesìan

Prep Tìme: 10 mìns
Total Tìme: 10 mìns

Serves: 4

  • 2 rìpe avocados (ìndonesìan: alpukat)
  • 4 tablespoon sweet condensed mìlk (ìndonesìan: susu kental manìs)
  • 300 ml water
  • Optìonal
  • 1/2 cup of black coffee (ìndonesìan: kopì hìtam)
  • chocolate sweet condensed mìlk (ìndonesìan: susu kental manìs coklat) (*)

  1. ìn a blender, process avocado, sweet condensed mìlk, and water untìl smooth. Pour ìnto four servìng glasses.
  2. For coffee lovers, add 3 to 4 tablespoon of black coffee to your avocado juìce and stìr. Drìnk ìmmedìately.
  3. For chocolate lovers, add 1 tablespoon of chocolate sweet condensed mìlk to your avocado juìce and stìr. Drìnk ìmmedìately.

(*)Chocolate syrup can be used too ìf chocolate sweet condensed mìlk ìs not avaìlable.


source : Anita [Daily Cooking Quest - Easy Indonesian Recipes]

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